They’re still beautiful

She sat quietly in a chair at Salon 7 and waited as Maggie Hanner measured her hair and tied it up in a ponytail. A few snips of the scissors and eight inches of these red locks was on their way to becoming a wig for someone battling cancer.

Five-year-old Lainey Cummings decided she would donate her beautiful red hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.

Lainey’s mom, Lynne Cummings, said the haircut was the first real hair cut Lainey’s had besides trims every couple of months.

Lynne said Lainey was watching a St. Jude’s commercial and asked why the little girl did not have any hair. Lynne told her daughter why; that is when she decided to donate her hair.

“I want to give my hair to a little girl,” said Lainey to her mom the day she made her decision.

Lainey said it felt “good” to help a little girl through her donation.

While her mom was speaking about the hair donation, Lainey got everyone’s attention by saying, “They’re still beautiful.”

Another donation was made this week by Stephanie Johnson, who donated her hair to Locks of Love.

HHJ News


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