Students complete fall quarter Lay Bible Institute at Heritage

Nine students received certificates of completion for the fall quarter of

the Lay Bible Institute at Heritage Baptist Church.

This first quarter covered

the history of the Christian Church from the time of the Apostles to today. The

study included the life stories of the men God used to change history, such as

Constantine, Charlemagne, Francis of Assisi, as well as those He used to

prepare and protect the Bible read today; men such as John Wycliffe and William

Tyndale. The students learned where the church doctrines and practices

originated, how the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Churches came to be, and

how modernity and the scientific revolution affected the spread of Christianity.

The class was taught by Timothy Paul Jones, and hosted by Pastor Wayne Edwards.



The winter quarter begins Monday at 6 p.m. at the Heritage Baptist Church, 2089

Hwy. 41 South, Perry. This six-week course will cover the “Feasts of the

Bible” – how the Jewish Feasts reveal God’s eternal plan for lost man’s

redemption through Jesus Christ. This study explains the significance,

symbolism, timelessness and purpose of each feast, and how they all point to

the Person and work of Jesus Christ. The cost is $55 per student, or $100 per couple,

including the textbook and all study materials.

HHJ News


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